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Xinjiang re-education camps

Federica Pennino

Since 2017 in China over 1 million of Uighurs without any pending charges have been interned in nearly 85 “concentration camps” located in the region of Xinjiang. Uighurs are a secular Muslim ethnic minority who have been living for years in the region mentioned above. The Chinese government tried to deny the existence of the camps, already witnessed several times by some survivors who were released in horrific conditions, until some shocking images and videos were posted on social media. Since then the Chinese government have called this places with various names such as re-education camps or voluntary schools for anti- extremism training, however this is a way to mangle the realty. In fact given the huge amount of proof acquired in the past years is possible to state that these camps are not very different from Auschwitz, some of the main atrocities being committed in both cases are: killing people, in the worse scenery, causing mental harm, imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group such as forced sterilisation for women, an inhuman practice mentioned also in some leaked documents, and forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. In addition to the proof already mentioned, according to the US custom and border control, a shipment from Xinjiang in July was thought to be a signal of potential human rights abuses of forced labor and imprisonment. The shipment was worth over 800,000$ of almost 13 tons of hair products suspected to have been made of Uighurs hairs being forcibly removed from those imprisoned in concentration camps, again another resemblance of what used to happen in ‘labour camps” during World War II. In other words what is happening is nothing else than a genocide which just means undertake acts against members of a group with the intent to destroy that group in whole or in part. Knowing that another genocide is taking place under our eyes is humiliating, disappointing and heartbreaking; every year most of the word commemorates the extermination happened during World War II, the aim should be to don’t forget and don’t commit the same error again, however here we are being silent in front of the history, sadly, repeating itself and almost no one trying to stop it.

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